Add aTable
Application.CutCopyMode = False
wsReport.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("$A$6:$I$7"), , xlYes).Name = "FtrTable"
wsReport.ListObjects("FtrTable").TableStyle = "TableStyleMedium10" '"TableStyleMedium17" '"TableStyleLight10"
wsReport.Range("$A$6:$I$7").VerticalAlignment = xlTop
Add a Column to a Table
Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = ActiveSheet Dim tbl As ListObject Set tbl = ws.ListObjects("Sales_Table") 'add a new column as the 5th column in the table tbl.ListColumns.Add(5).Name = "TAX" 'add a new column at the end of the table tbl.ListColumns.Add.Name = "STATUS"
Add a Row to a Table
Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = ActiveSheet Dim tbl As ListObject Set tbl = ws.ListObjects("Sales_Table") ‘add a row at the end of the table tbl.ListRows.Add ‘add a row as the fifth row of the table (counts the headers as a row) tbl.ListRows.Add 5
Delete Row or Column
Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = ActiveSheet Dim tbl As ListObject Set tbl = ws.ListObjects("Sales_Table") tbl.ListColumns(2).Delete tbl.ListRows(2).Delete
Add Row and Enter Data
Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = ActiveSheet Dim tbl As ListObject Set tbl = ws.ListObjects("Sales_Table") Dim newrow As ListRow Set newrow = tbl.ListRows.Add With newrow .Range(1) = 83473 .Range(2) = "HJU -64448" .Range(3) = 5 End With
Add/Overwrite Data in a Specific Record
Dim ws AsWorksheet Set ws =ActiveSheet Dim tbl AsListObject Set tbl =ws.ListObjects("Sales_Table") Withtbl.ListRows(3) .Range(3)= 8 .Range(6)= "CASH" End With
Check if activecell is in table
If Intersect(ActiveCell, ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1").DataBodyRange) Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "activecell not in Table1"
MsgBox "activecell in Table1"
End If...
Sort a table
Sort on values
Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = ActiveSheet Dim tbl As ListObject Set tbl = ws.ListObjects("Sales_Table") Dim sortcolumn As Range Set sortcolumn = Range("Sales_Table[TRANS_VALUE]") With tbl.Sort .SortFields.Clear .SortFields.Add Key:=sortcolumn, SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending .Header = xlYes .Apply End With
Sort on colors
To sort by cell colour, specify this in the SortOn parameter of the Add method. You then have to specify the colour to sort by using the SortOnValue property of the SortField object (see below).
Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = ActiveSheet Dim tbl As ListObject Set tbl = ws.ListObjects("Sales_Table") Dim sortcolumn As Range Set sortcolumn = Range("Sales_Table[TRANS_VALUE]") With tbl.Sort .SortFields.Clear .SortFields.Add(Key:=sortcolumn, Order:=xlAscending, SortOn:=xlSortOnCellColor).SortOnValue.Color =RGB(255, 255, 0) .Header = xlYes .Apply End With
Select (parts of) a table
Entire Table:
Table Header Row: ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1").HeaderRowRange.Select
Table Data: ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1").DataBodyRange.Select
Third Column: ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1").ListColumns(3).Range.Select
Multiple Columns:
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim tbl As ListObject
Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1")
Set tbl = ws.ListObjects(1)
Range(tbl &"[[Column1]:[Column5]]".Select
Third Column (Data Only):
Select Row 4 of Table Data:
Select 3rd Heading:
Select Data point in Row 3, Column 2:
ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1").DataBodyRange(3, 2).Select
Disable autofill formula's in table
Application.AutoCorrect.AutoFillFormulasInLists = False
Enable/Disable autoextend table
Sub EnableTableAutoExpansion() Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets ws.ListObjects.AutoExpand = True Next ws End Sub
For a specific table:
Sub EnableSpecificTableAutoExpansion(tableName As String) Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets Dim tbl As ListObject Set tbl = ws.ListObjects(tableName) If Not tbl Is Nothing Then tbl.AutoExpand = True End If Next ws End Sub
Call with:
EnableSpecificTableAutoExpansion "Tab1"
Get column number from table header
[MyTable].Cells(2, [MyTable[MyColumn]].Column)
Table to Array
Sub MultiColumnTable_To_Array()Dim myTable As ListObject
Dim myArray As Variant
Dim x As Long'Set path for Table variable
Set myTable = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1")'Create Array List from Table
myArray = myTable.DataBodyRange'Loop through each item in Third Column of Table (displayed in Immediate Window [ctrl + g])
For x = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)
Debug.Print myArray(x, 3)
Next xEnd Sub