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Complete List

(Bron: bettersolutions.com)


ABS Returns the absolute value of a number (Variant).
AND The logical ‘AND’ operator (Boolean).
APPACTIVATE Activates an application or window currently running on Windows.
ARRAY Returns an array containing the given values (Variant).
ASC Returns the ANSI number for the first character in a text string (Integer).
ATN Returns the arc-tangent of a number in radians (Double).
BEEP Produces a single beep noise.
CALL Transfers control to a subroutine or function.
CALLBYNAME Returns, sets or executes a method or property of an object (Variant).
CBOOL Returns the expression converted to a boolean data type (Boolean).
CBYTE Returns the expression converted to a byte data type (Byte).
CCUR Returns the expression converted to a currency data type (Currency).
CDATE Returns the expression converted to a date data type (Date).
CDBL Returns the expression converted to a double data type (Double).
CDEC Returns the expression converted to a decimal variant-subtype (Variant).
CHDIR Defines the current default directory.
CHDRIVE Defines the current default drive.
CHOOSE Returns the value from a list of values based on an index number (Variant).
CHR Returns the character with the corresponding ANSI number (String).
CINT Returns the expression converted to an integer data type (Integer).
CLNG Returns the expression converted to a long data type (Long).
CLNGLNG Returns the expression converted to a longlong (64 bit platform) data type.
CLNGPTR Returns the expression converted to a longptr data type.
CLOSE Closes a text file.
COMMAND Returns the argument portion of the command line used to launch the application (Variant).
COS Returns the cosine of an angle in radians (Double).
CREATEOBJECT Returns a reference after creating a new ActiveX or OLE object (Variant).
CSNG Returns the expression converted to a single data type (Single).
CSTR Returns the expression converted to a string data type (String).
CURDIR Returns the current path of a given drive (String).
CVAR Returns the expression converted to a variant data type (Variant).
CVDATE Returns the expression converted to a date variant-subtype (Variant).
CVERR Returns a specific type of error (Variant).
DATE – Function Returns the current system date (Date).
DATE – Statement Defines the current system date.
DATEADD Returns the date with a specified time interval added (Date).
DATEDIFF Returns the number of a given time interval between two specified dates (Long).
DATEPART Returns the specified part of a given date (Integer).
DATESERIAL Returns the date given a year, month and day (Date).
DATEVALUE Returns the date given a string representation of a date (Date).
DAY Returns the day from a given date (Integer).
DDB Returns the depreciation of an asset over a period of time (Double).
DELETESETTING Removes (or deletes) a key or section from the registry.
DIR Returns the name of a file or directory matching a pattern or attribute (String).
DOEVENTS Pauses execution to let the system process other events.
ENVIRON Returns information about the current operating system environment (String).
EOF Returns the value indicating if the end of a file has been reached (Boolean).
EQV The bitwise comparison operator.
ERASE Reinitialises the elements of an array.
ERROR – Function Returns the error message corresponding to a given error number (String).
ERROR – Statement (Err.Raise) Generates an error.
EXP Returns the base of natural logarithm raised to a power (Double).
FILEATTR Returns the file mode of the specified open file (Long).
FILECOPY Copies a file from one directory to another.
FILEDATETIME Returns the date and time when a file was created or last modified (Date).
FILELEN Returns the length of a file in bytes (Long).
FILTER Returns an array containing a subset of values that contain a substring (Variant).
FIX Returns the integer portion of a number (Double).
FORMAT Returns the text string of a number or date in a particular format (String).
FORMATCURRENCY Returns the expression formatted as a currency value (String).
FORMATDATETIME Returns the expression formatted as a date or time (String).
FORMATNUMBER Returns the expression formatted as a number (String).
FORMATPERCENT Returns the expression formatted as a percentage (String).
FREEFILE Returns the next valid free file number (Integer).
FV Returns the future value of a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals (Double).
GET Reads data from a text file into a record.
GETALLSETTINGS Returns the list of key settings and their values from the registry (Variant).
GETATTR Returns the attributes of a given file or directory (Integer).
GETOBJECT Returns the reference to an object provided by an ActiveX component.
GETSETTING Reads from the registry and returns the value or key from the registry (String).
GOTO Transfers control to the subroutine indicated by the line label.
HEX Returns the number converted to hexadecimal (String).
HOUR Returns the hour from a given time (Integer).
IIF Returns one of two parts, depending on the evaluation of an expression.
IMESTATUS Returns the current Input Method Editor mode of Microsoft Windows (Integer).
IMP The logical implication from two values (Variant).
IMPLEMENTS Specifies an interface or class that can be implemented in a class module.
INPUT – Function Returns the open stream of an Input or Binary file (String).
INPUT – Statement Reads data from an open sequential field and assigns the data to a variable (Long).
INPUTBOX Displays a dialog box allowing the user to enter some information (String).
INSTR Returns the position of a substring within a larger string (Long).
INSTRREV Returns the position of a substring within a larger string, starting at the end (Long).
INT Returns the number rounded down to the nearest integer (Double).
IPMT Returns the interest paid in a given period in a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals (Double).
IRR Returns the interest rate for a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals (implicit reinvestment rate) (Double).
IS Compares two object reference variables.
ISARRAY Returns the value True or False depending if the expression is an array (Boolean).
ISDATE Returns the value True or False depending if the expression is a date (Boolean).
ISEMPTY Returns the value True or False depending if the Variant variable has been initialised (Boolean).
ISERROR Returns the value True or False depending if the expression is an error (Boolean).
ISMISSING Returns the value True or False depending if the optional argument has been passed to a procedure (Boolean).
ISNULL Returns the value True or False depending if the expression contains no data (Boolean).
ISNUMERIC Returns the value True or False depending if the expression contains a number (Boolean).
ISOBJECT Returns the value True or False depending if the identifier represents an object (Boolean).
JOIN Returns the text string containing the elements in an array (String).
KILL Deletes an existing file.
LBOUND Returns the smallest subscript in a given dimension of an array (Long).
LCASE Returns the text string with all characters converted to lowercase (String).
LEFT Returns a number of characters from the left of a string (String).
LEN Returns the number of characters in a string (Long).
LET Computes a value and assigns it to a new variable.
LIKE The pattern matching operator.
LINE INPUT Reads a single line from an Open sequential file and assigns it to a string.
LOAD Loads an object but doesn’t display it.
LOADPICTURE Loads a picture from a file into a Picture or Image control (IPictureDisp).
LOC Returns the current read/write position within an open file (Long).
LOCK Locks access to parts of a file for other processes.
LOF Returns the length or size of an open file, in bytes (Long).
LOG Returns the natural logarithm of a number (Double).
LSET Left aligns a string within a string variable.
LTRIM Returns the text string without leading spaces (String).
MACID Converts a four character constant to a value that can be used by Dir, Kill, Shell and AppActivate.
MID – Function Returns the text string which is a substring of a larger string (String).
MID – Statement Replaces a specified number of characters with characters from another string.
MINUTE Returns the minutes from a given time (Integer).
MIRR Returns the interest rate for a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals (explicit reinvestment rate) (Double).
MKDIR Creates a new directory.
MOD Returns the remainder after division operator (Integer).
MONTH Returns the month from a given date (Integer).
MONTHNAME Returns the month as a string (String).
MSGBOX Displays a dialog box displaying a message to the user (Integer).
NAME Renames an existing file or directory.
NOT The logical ‘NOT’ operator (Boolean).
NOW Returns the current system date and time (Date).
NPER Returns the number of periods for an investment (Double).
NPV Returns the present value of a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals (Double).
OBJPTR Returns a LongPtr on a 64 bit version and a Long on a 32 bit version.
OCT Returns the number converted to octal (Variant).
OPEN Opens a text file or CSV file.
OR The logical ‘OR’ operator (Boolean).
PARTITION Returns a string indicating which particular range it falls into (String).
PMT Returns the amount of principal and interest paid in a given period in a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals (Double).
PPMT Returns the amount of principal paid in a given period in a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals (Double).
PRINT Writes display-formatted data to a sequential file.
PUT Writes data from a record into a text file.
PV Returns the present value of an annuity (Double).
QBCOLOR Returns the RGB colour corresponding to the specified colour number (Long).
RAISEEVENT Fires an event declared at module level within a class, form or document.
RANDOMIZE Initialises the random number generator.
RATE Returns the interest rate for a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals (Double).
REDIM Initialises and resizes a dynamic array.
REM Specifies a single line of comments.
REPLACE Returns the text string with a number of characters replaced (String).
RESET Closes all files open with the Open statement.
RGB Returns the number representing an RGB colour value (Long).
RIGHT Returns a number of characters from the right of a string (String).
RMDIR Removes an existing directory.
RND Returns a random number between 0 and 1 (Single).
ROUND Returns a number rounded to a given number of decimal places (Double).
RSET Right aligns a string within a string variable.
RTRIM Returns the text string without trailing spaces (String).
SAVEPICTURE Saves a graphic image from an objects Picture or Image property to a file.
SAVESETTING Writes to the registry and saves a section or key in the registry.
SECOND Returns the seconds from a given time (Integer).
SEEK – Function Returns the current read/write position within a file opened using the Open statement (Long).
SEEK – Statement Repositions where the next operation in a file will occur.
SENDKEYS Sends keystrokes to an application.
SET Assigns an object reference to an object variable.
SETATTR Defines the attributes of a file or directory.
SGN Returns the sign of a number (Integer).
SHELL Returns the program’s task id from running an executable programs (Double).
SIN Returns the sine of an angle in radians (Double).
SLN Returns the straight-line depreciation of an asset over a single period of time (Double).
SPACE Returns the specified number of spaces (String).
SPC Inserts a specified number (n) of spaces when writing or displaying text.
SPLIT Returns the array containing a specified number of substrings (Variant).
SQR Returns the square root of a number (Double).
STOP Suspends execution.
STR Returns the text string of a number (String).
STRCOMP Returns the result of a string comparison (Integer).
STRCONV Returns the text string converted to a specific case or type (String).
STRING Returns a repeating character of a given length (String).
STRPTR Returns a LongPtr on a 64 bit version and a Long on a 32 bit version.
STRREVERSE Returns the text string with the characters reversed (String).
SWITCH Returns a value based on expressions (Variant).
SYD Returns the sum-of-years’ digits depreciation of an asset (Double).
TAB Used with the Print # statement or the Print method to position output.
TAN Returns the tangent of an angle (Double).
TIME – Function Returns the current system time (Date).
TIME – Statement Defines the current system time.
TIMER Returns the number of seconds elapsed since midnight (Single).
TIMESERIAL Returns the time for a specific hour, minute and second (Date).
TIMEVALUE Returns the time given a string representation of a time (Date).
TRIM Returns the text string without leading and trailing spaces (String).
TYPENAME Returns the data type of the variable as a string (String).
TYPEOF Returns the object data type.
UBOUND Returns the largest subscript in a given dimension of an array (Long).
UCASE Returns the text string with all the characters converted to uppercase (String).
UNLOAD Removes an object from memory.
UNLOCK Controls access to a file.
VAL Returns the numbers contained in a string as a numeric value of the appropriate data type (Double).
VARPTR Returns a LongPtr on a 64 bit version and a Long on a 32 bit version.
VARTYPE Returns the number indicating the data type of a variable (Integer).
WEEKDAY Returns the number representing the day of the week for a given date (Integer).
WEEKDAYNAME Returns the day of the week as a string (String).
WIDTH Assigns an output line width (characters) for the open file.
WRITE Writes data to a sequential file.
XOR The bitwise exclusion operator.
YEAR Returns the year from a date (Integer).
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